day by day i try to figure it out what is going on in this racial prejudice divided country and find out it hard to bend the sentiment if we still accept the injustice system in the society that being practice largely by the can we escalate freedom not control such that? i keep thinking why in this modern era, we still practice thick racial politics? why can we be one as Malaysian? it is hard to do so? the arrest of three person included 1 MP from pakatan rakyat yesterday, was truly a desperate measure by the government. arresting without stating rights of the captured was truly not right. sentencing without trial is tyranny. this is what we call injustice system acceptance or ISA! one has right to claim trial before proven guilty or not. ironic was one that cause the unrest is sleeping at home safe and sound because such punishment just to make a fake statement to the rakyat. when we will reach to the point that BN is IRRELEVANT to the rakyat!!!?? i still remember when i was in school, there was one incident that one of my school mate were targeted by outsider and we all stood firm behind him to back him because he simply one of us. he's Chinese. we did that because of togetherness, loyalty and unity. don't u think it is cool? wholeheartedly unite! we can't run from the fact that each race has differences in culture and faith but that doesn't strict us from understand each other. what was not clear, we sort it out. decline with diplomacy and rational. i believe that we somehow will reach an agreement. and i personally think why don't we learn one another about this culture that represent us who we are? i know not all Malay are racist same goes to other races as well. they have their own prejudice rat. but we can change it in the system for starting. lead the fair trade for the rakyat and rakyat will responds with solidarity!!! AE...
Frank Black – 1/26/25 at Metro
3 weeks ago
Bro. Nice blog. I totally agree that ISA is tyrannical. Also, on mainstreet, there are no racial problems. Only the BN is trying to stir up racial issues to hold on desperately to whatever's left of their power. In reality, they have already lost their power.
cheers mate!!!!
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